Profile Reza Ali

Reza Ali 100 Word Profile


Below are 100 word profile from Reza Ali that can be used as a guide to introduce him at events or as part of promotional materials for events. You can also download a PDF version at Reza Ali 100 Word Profile 2018

Profile 1

Reza Ali is a speaker who draws a lot from his life experience. With his unique style of delivery he shares his journey from being a successful executive in a Fortune 500 company to his periods of violence and self abuse. Reza’s ability to share from his own life and how he was able to rise above and beyond the failures makes him an inspiring and engaging speaker. In his free time he is a passionate photographer and now does boxing and running to keep fit. He talks about leadership, change, communications and personal development. He lives in KL with his wife Lina.

Profile 2

Reza Ali will make you laugh and cry. Not one to be part of the crowd, Reza is known for his commitment to delivering a unique experience to his audience. His total commitment to serve his audience is second only to his willingness to share from his own life experiences. Reza believes that change is possible for anyone who knows the strategies for change. In his free time he is a passionate photographer and does boxing and running to keep fit. He talks about leadership, change, communications and personal development.

Profile 3

Reza Ali is the CEO and Founder for Right Eye, Malaysian corporate training & leadership development team focused on results through experiential learning. He started his career over 20 years ago as an In House Legal Counsel for Petronas before moving to the business and operations side. He was involved in several large scale transformation including the Federal Government ePerolehan Project and Petronas e Procurement Transformation. His expertise includes change and transformation, leadership and term development, and presentations and communication.

Profile 4

CEO, Entrepreneur, trainer, dreamer, idealist, cameraman (not photographer), gadget geek, pretend boxer, Muslim and husband….

Reza likes to do things differently because being different is easier than being better. He build Right Eye Sdn Bhd with the mission of ‘Make Everything A Learning Experience’. He loves making mistakes and gets excited at the prospect of failing because that is all part of the learning experience. He can challenge your thinking and make you think of possibilities. He cooks, tries to box and run and he loves to learn new things.


Reza Ali Profile Photo

Reza Ali